CEV President joins high-profile talks to enhance support for Volleyball community in Bosnia and Herzegovina

by Press

CEV President Roko Sikirić continues to travel extensively across Europe to liaise with members of the European Volleyball family and their respective national authorities in an effort to raise the profile of the game and develop an even closer cooperation with key stakeholders. With this in mind, earlier this week he travelled to Sarajevo for a series of high-profile meetings with local partners and high-ranking officials

Mr Sikirić joined the President of the Volleyball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OSBiH), Milutin Popović, recently elected as President of the Balkan Volleyball Association (BVA), and one of his colleagues from the OSBiH Board, Mirsad Kadric, for a meeting with the President and Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Izet Radjo and Mr Said Fazlagic.

The parties discussed how both the CEV and the NOC can best support the Volleyball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in their activities, with a special focus on securing participation of the national teams from the Balkan country in international competitions. The meeting was an opportunity to review the challenges currently faced by the local Volleyball family and to renew the CEV’s commitment to support the OSBiH current and future endeavours.

CEV President Roko Sikirić with the President of the National Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Izet Radjo

Later in the day, the CEV President and his OSBiH partners had a subsequent meeting with the Minister of Civil Affairs, Mrs Dubravka Bošnjak, whose portfolio includes sport as well. The parties reviewed the same areas of cooperation already discussed earlier in the day with the NOC while also emphasising the importance of supporting joint initiatives and programmes likely to grow the sport at the grassroots level – with development actions regarded as pivotal towards inspiring youngsters to lead a healthy lifestyle as well as to pursue a career in competitive sport.

The CEV President had a meeting with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Balkan country, Mrs Dubravka Bošnjak

The CEV President takes many positives from the meetings in Sarajevo as he continues to work tirelessly to unite the European Volleyball family and to provide opportunities to each member of such a varied, incredibly rich community – all driven by the same passion for the game.

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