Friendship Passed Through the Border Gate

by Press

The final event of the “Advan+AGE” Project, which was initiated 18 months ago under the coordination of the Turkish Volleyball Federation (TVF) within the scope of the European Union Erasmus Youth Program and conducted in partnership with Ankara University, the Italian Volleyball Federation, SGRIM e.V from Germany and the Fix in Art civil society organization from Greece, took place at the Pazarkule Border Gate with the cooperation of the Edirne Governorship, Edirne Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, Pazarkule Customs Directorate, Trakya University and Ankara Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services.

On the first day of the event, a training game was held to foster interaction among the youth who are the target audience of the Project while on the second day of the event, Turkish, Greek, and German youths participating in the project played a friendly match on the field set up at the border gate.

TVF Vice President Alper Sedat Aslandaş said that the project aims to integrate children with limited access to sports due to their economic or social positions into sports. He emphasized that the project helped instill environmental awareness in our youth, improve their social skills, and foster friendships with peers from different cultures.

TVF Project Coordinator Onur Hoşnut stated that the project aims to bring together children aged 13-15 to the social therapy aspect of volleyball, to bring together children from different countries, to encourage interaction and to end with a friendly match at the border point between Türkiye and Greece.

Thus, the Erasmus+ “Advan+AGE” project was concluded with a match where friendship, not competition, was the winner.

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