School Project expands its reach in North Macedonia

by Press

This past month, the Volleyball Federation of North Macedonia delivered volleyball lessons at two elementary schools, OU Kiro Gligorov and OU Hristijan Todorovski Karposh in the country’s capital, Skopje, as they continue to inspire youngsters to play the game with the help of the CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball – Grow with it’. Some 20 young girls, aged seven to 11, joined in the classes.

The clinic was guided by Emilia Janicic, a professor of physical education and coach and Mirjana Stefanovska, also a coach. They introduced the kids to some key, basic elements such as passing the ball with fingers and reception, coordination exercises, and other drills.

A similar volleyball class was delivered in the city of Shtip on May 31 at the sports hall of the OU Dimitar Vlahov school under the guidance of Kristina Maneva, a volleyball coach who has been working with the younger age categories. The class was attended by more than 30 children, who performed exercises with a partner, such as passing the ball, and other basic elements in Volleyball. The project in the city of Shtip started not too long ago, but it is making excellent progress and raising much interest among the young population, which is especially rewarding and encouraging.

For the fast-approaching end of the school year, the Volleyball Federation of North Macedonia has made plans to organise a closing event to mark this year as a successful one.

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