Senior Balkan beach volleyball for men and women in Türkiye (22-25th June)

by Press

Senior Balkan Beach Championship 2022 for men and women will be played from 22nd until 25th June in Ören Beach in Balikesir, Türkiye.

In the men’s competition will play teams Mermer/Urlu from Türkiye, Kolaric/Klasnic from Serbia, Izdemir/Kuru from Türkiye, Kurt/Tur from Türkiye, Dobcis/Makaric from Moldova, Rajkovic/Makaric from Serbia, Mehedinteanu/Anton from Romania, Boncompagni/Conti from Italy (Zonal Association), Chisleacov/Plamadeal from Moldova, Virlan/Calin from Romania, Bajrami/Maliqi from Kosovo and Burak B/Baysal from Türkiye.

In the women’s competition will play teams Prins/Reinders from the Netherlands (Zonal Association), Hododi/Miu from Romania, Ceylin/Simdim from Türkiye, Merve C/Cetin from Türkiye, Suleymani/Ramadani from Kosovo, Nikolaev/Voleanin from Moldova, Corcoz/Daniloaia from Romania, Stanciu/Ordean from Romania, Nezir/Tecimer from Türkiye, Pehlivan/Gur from Türkiye, Tanrikulu/Korkmaz from Türkiye and Demirkiran/Ozsar from Türkiye.


Women’s competition:

Men’s competition:

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